Aug 15, 2015

Sólo Química, la comedia del verano

El 24 de julio se estrenó “Sólo Química”, una comedia dirigida por Alfonso Albacete, producida por Rodar y Rodar, distribuida por Alfa Pictures y que cuenta con la colaboración de Televisión Española, Canal+ y Televisión de Catalunya. El rodaje de la película tuvo lugar hace casi un año, entre los meses de mayo y agosto de 2014 en Barcelona, Sitges y La Costa Brava.

La cinta, de 110 minutos de duración, está protagonizada por Ana Fernández, Alejo Sauras y Rodrigo Guirao.

La actriz Ana Carlota Fernández, es conocida desde muy joven principalmente por series de televisión como “Cuestión de sexo”  y sobre todo por ser Sandra en “Los Protegidos”, el éxito de Antena 3. Su espontaneidad, su carácter y el dominio de la comedia encantaron a Alfonso Albacete que contó con ella desde el principio para el proyecto. Se trata de su primera película como protagonista para la gran pantalla.

Alejo Sauras es un actor de gran trayectoria tanto en televisión (“Al salir de clase”, “Los Serrano”, “La República”, “Algo que celebrar”), en teatro (“El eunuco”) o en cine donde ha trabajado con directores como David Trueba o Pedro Almodóvar. Es un verdadero todoterreno de la interpretación. Éste es su segundo papel con Alfonso Albacete.

Rodrigo Guirao es un actor muy conocido y querido tanto en Argentina como en Italia, donde lleva años trabajando. Ha participado, en series de éxito como: “Rebelde Way”, “Amas de casa desesperadas”, “Patito feo” en Argentina y “Terra ribelle”, “Violetta” o “La cartuja de Parma” para la RAI italiana. Compagina sus interpretaciones con el mundo de la música, toca la guitarra, compone y canta. Es su primer trabajo como protagonista en España.

Se trata de una comedia romántica en la que Oli (Ana Fernández), se enamora de una rutilante estrella del cine y la televisión, Eric Soto (Rodrigo Guirao), con el que vivirá un romance maravilloso adentrándose en un mundo de glamour, éxito, fama y dinero. Mientras tanto, su mejor amigo Carlos (Alejo Sauras), psicólogo, la intenta convencer que el amor no existe, que es solamente un efecto químico que nos hace confundir la realidad.

Su protagonista femenina, Ana Fernández, dedica la película a “una persona que me mostró el amor más puro y con más química que he vivido. Entonces, estés donde estés espero que te rías, que estés orgulloso de mí, de todos nosotros porque lo viviste con todos nosotros”. Así recordaba la actriz al fallecido Santi Trancho, víctima el pasado marzo de un accidente de moto. El largometraje guarda una sorpresa, que ella misma desveló en la presentación: a Trancho se dirigió para desearle que " te veas genial en tu cameo. Es una cosa que no hemos dicho nunca. Gracias a todo el equipo por todo vuestro amor", refiriéndose así al cameo póstumo que realiza el operador de cámara.

Sin duda alguna es una buena oportunidad para animar a todos a acudir al cine para disfrutar de una buena comedia y para recordar a Santi Trancho, descanse en paz.

Víctor San José

The Spanish film ''Solo Química''  this summer's most successful comedy


The Spanish film Solo Químicapremiered on the 24th of June. It is a comedy which is directed by  Alfonso Albacete and is produced by Rodar y Rodar and released by Rodar Alfa Pictures. Televisión Española, the national state-owned public-service television broadcaster in Spain, Canal +, a Spanish commercial television channel and Televisión de Catalunya, the public broadcasting network of Catalonia have collaborated in the making of the film. The aforesaid making of the film took place nearly a year ago between May and August of 2014 in Barcelona, Sitges and the coastal region of Costa Brava.
The 110-minute film stars Ana Fernández, Alejo Sauras and Rodrigo Guirao.

The actress Ana Carlota Fernández is known from a very young age mainly for her performances in the Spanish TV shows “Cuestión de sexo” and above all, for playing the character Sandra in “Los Protegidos” which has been a very successful TV show for Antena 3, a Spanish terrestrial television channel. The actress's spontaneity together with her character and her ease in television comedies were the reasons why Alfonso Albacete counted on her from the early stages for the film. It was her first appearance as the main character on the big screen.

Alejo Sauras has got a long career on TV thanks to his appearances in the Spanish TV shows “Al salir de clase”, “Los Serrano”, “La República” and “Algo que celebrar”, on the stage (“El eunuco”) and in films in which he has worked with directors such as David Trueba and Pedro Almodóvar. He has had all kind of appearances on the stage, in films and TV. His role in the film “Solo Química” is his second appearance in a film directed by Alfonso Albacete.

Rodrigo Guirao is a very well-known and beloved actor both in Argentina and Italy where he has been working for several years. He has played in successful TV shows such as “Rebelde Way”, “Amas de casa desesperadas” and “Patito feo” in Argentina. He has equally played in other shows including “Terra ribelle”, “Violetta” and “The Charterhouse of Parma” broadcasted by RAI, Italy's national public broadcasting company.

“Solo Química” is a romantic comedy in which the character Oli played by Ana Fernández, falls in love with Eric Soto (Rodrigo Guirao) who is a brilliant film and TV star. They will live a true romance which will make them explore a world of glamour, success, fame and money. At the same time, Oli's best friend Carlos, who is a psychologist tries to convince her that love does not exist. According to him, love is just a chemical reaction which makes us confuse reality.
Ana Fernández, the film's protagonist, dedicated this film to Santi Trancho who was a victim of a motorcycle accident. She said “I am dedicating this film to somebody who showed me the purest and most chemical love I have ever experienced. So, wherever you are, I hope that you are laughing and that you are proud of me and us all because you lived it with us. The full-length film has got a surprise that Ana Fernández herself unveiled in the presentation: She addressed Sancho to wish him “to see himself feeling well in his cameo. It is something that we have never done before. I want to thank all the team members for the cameo.” By that she meant the posthumous cameo that the cameraman does.

There is no question that it is a good opportunity to encourage everyone to go to the cinema to watch a good comedy and to pay tribute to Santi Trancho, RIP.

Review: Ricardo Roger

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